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Return Policy

  • Once you receive a shipping notification, it is too late to cancel the order and you must request a return. 
  • We accept returns within 30 days of original ship date as long as the item is in the original product box, unopened, and undamaged. 
  • Shipping costs are non-refundable for change of mind returns
  • We may elect to not accept or authorize return of products that are not in their unopened, original packaging, or have been altered or modified. 
  • Once the product has been returned to us and has been ascertained to be complete and undamaged. Your purchase price, less shipping and handling, will be refunded to you.  We do not refund any shipping costs. 
  • All of our products come with a 60 Day Warranty -- we can only replace items with manufacturing errors or breaks within this time frame. We will repair or replace the defective product. 

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